function in jsngram.dir2 module


Scan files in a directory recursively, excluding dot files and dot directories. Apply a specified function to each file.

def myfunc(path, dest):
    return path
jsngram.dir2.apply_files('/scratch', None, myfunc, True)
# [('/scratch/c/d.txt', None, '/scratch/c/d.txt'), 
#  ('/scratch/c/e.txt', None, '/scratch/c/e.txt')]

jsngram.dir2.apply_files(path, dest, func, exclude_root_files=False)

Argument path is a source directory that will be scanned. Argument dest is a destination directory. Argument func is a function with two arguments (full path of a source file, destination directory). Both arguments given to the func are integrated path that will keep consistent position between the source treen and the destination tree. You can use this to convert multiple files with a function that converts file from source to destination. Or use this to get some information from files with a function that returns a summary from a file. Returns a list of three element tuple, that is the source file path, destination and the return value of the func. The length of the list is same as the number of files processed. Creates dest directory tree before calling func unless dest = None. Skip files at top directory if exclude_root_files = True.